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Have you ever called someone and their answering machine said this:
“Hello, I am UNAVAILABLE at this time. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible”?

You decided if you would leave a message, hang up, or call back.

UNAVAILABLE means you are doing something else. You decided not to answer after seeing the number. Your attention is on something else at the moment. You are away from the phone. You don’t feel up to it. OR,  YOU MAY BE ON ANOTHER LINE WITH SOMEONE ELSE.

You place a call to a company, and the answering machine picks up: “Thank you for calling. Currently, all of our representatives are helping other customers. Please hold for the first AVAILABLE agent.”  Most of us stay on the line so that we will not lose our place. That can be time-consuming.

When we speak of God, we want to be seen as FAT Christians: FAITHFUL, AVAILABLE, TEACHABLE; but in practice, many of us are FAITHFUL and TEACHABLE, but NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. We have something else scheduled. There are some issues that need to be resolved before we can “come”, “give”, “go” or “stay”. Or, we say to our Prophet Samuel, “Say on. I can’t spend the night.”

We want to have time to “look into the matter”, although you go shopping and pop out a credit card on some items you do not need, AND did not plan for. We gorge ourselves with some foods we do not need to eat. BUT, THAT’S YOUR BUSINESS.


Looking at some TV programs and news, we can easily see they are CREATING things to GET OUR ATTENTION, and TO SELL A PRODUCT. And, while they are feeding your mind, you are UNAVAILABLE for things that TRULY AFFECT YOU. There are some things that should matter to you because they blessed you.

The banks and financial institutions sell money. Realtors sell houses and lands. Restaurants sell food. The movie industry sells entertainment. And we, the church, give away HOPE, HEALING, HEALTH, and HERITAGE*. Jesus said, “And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:7-8)

I am AVAILABLE. What do you want me to pray for? What do you wish for me to agree with you on when we go before our Father in Heaven? I AM AVAILABLE. Let me know. Let me know!

SEE THE FUTURE through what God gave you and by the positive influences HE put in your life: people, places and things. Who are your people? places? things? BE AVAILABLE TO SEE THE LIGHT!

Shakespeare wrote: TO THINE OWNSELF BE TRUE!

Tell yourself the truth. Are you AVAILABLE? STOP and PRAY and THINK!
The scriptures are given to help us get the best results out of life. Isaiah and other prophets have expressed that GOD IS DOING A NEW THING – A GREAT WORK – BUT MEN AND WOMEN WILL NOT BELIEVE, ALTHOUGH IT WAS TOLD TO THEM. We are not AVAILABLE – AND, the power came down. There is nothing that’s impossible, nothing that’s incredible with Jesus. But, a few other things have our attention at the moment.

It’s time to do NOW
what seemed IMPOSSIBLE!

Your days are filled, you’re not available.
Your days are filled, you cannot fund-raise.
Your days are filled, you have not time to honor your father and mother.
Your days are filled, you are NOT AVAILABLE to help those who lifted you.
Your days are filled, you will not make new friends.
Your days are filled, you will not look into a matter for a prisoner or a widow.
Your days are filled, you won’t teach a child a song you learned.


At your PRESENT RATE of progress,
You Will reach your destination
IN ABOUT 50 years.
GIVE TODAY – starting with YOUR TIME.

Ancient Israel (the Bible people, led by the Great Prophet Moses), were NOT AVAILABLE TO FOLLOW GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS as GOD WAS LEADING them to the land He promised their father: ABRAHAM. Father Abraham passed the promise to his son, Isaac. And, Issac passed it to his son, JACOB (Israel). JACOB’S CHILDREN were NOT AVAILABLE to obey and to follow the vision that was set before them.

ARE YOU AVAILABLE?  Take time to write a check to help me to do this work of God. Take time to swipe a credit card. ARE YOU AVAILABLE? I need you now. LIVE IN THE MOMENT.

I AM DOING A GREAT WORK, I CANNOT COME DOWN: why should the work cease, while I leave it and come down to you? (Nehemiah 6:3)

DO NOT give anyone the impression or the ease of mind to think that God did not call YOU or that you are no longer of value to the ministry. Take at least two hours each day and each night to show forth God’s mighty works. CHANGE YOUR SCHEDULE AND ACTIONS, if necessary.

We have a debt we are paying off. At first, I needed close to $85,000. Now we are down to $70,000. I need you to help today. Make your check payable to: HLPEA, INC.  It is tax-deductible. PLEASE BE AVAILABLE TO DO THIS NOW. Help me to continue to preach, teach and demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I’d like for YOU to write down the names of 20 people that you will ask to help ELIMINATE THIS DEBT. Join my COMMITTEE ON DEBT ELIMINATION (CODE). Speak the CODE.

It’s time to do NOW
what seemed IMPOSSIBLE!

Becky Grenewicz shared a video with me. I listened to it this morning. You might find it interesting:

I LOVE YOU. Drop everything that you’re doing, and give this love some time.

Most Sincerely,
Henry L. Porter

* Heritage: (Physical Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and preserved for the benefit of future generations. Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible culture (such as folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity). The deliberate act of keeping cultural heritage from the present for the future is known as PRESERVATION.

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